Business cards can be very important as they allow you to quickly pass on your details to a potential client, new client or for handing out at networking groups. You may not realise it but your business card has a massive reflection of you and your business as a whole so it is important to get it right.

A business card should clearly have all your contact details on such as name, office address (if required) phone number, email as a minimum, maybe even your Facebook / Twitter address etc. IT is vital that you double check all the spellings and numbers on your business card before it goes to print.

When designing a business card, you should try and keep in line with any existing branding you already have for example, your logo or colourways. If someone is looking for your card amongst a pile of other ones and cannot recognise your logo, then they may well skip past it. You may decide that you want your design to be a little bit more out there. You may want it to stand out from the crowd, but it is important that it stands out for the right reasons.

If you are struggling for ideas for a business card, but cannot afford to pay a designer to come up with one for you, then take a look on some of the print websites.